We've partnered with the most popular language teachers on social media. Practice with their teacher clones as much as you want, without feeling guilty about taking their time!
Arieh Smith
Teaches English, 3+
Elisa Azoum
Teaches French
Olly Richards
Teaches English, 3+
Virginia Langhammer
Teaches Portuguese (Brazil)
Benny Lewis
Teaches English
Davide Gemello
Teaches Italian
The Ultimate Way to Practice your Speaking Skills
Personalized Conversations
Most platforms offer generic exercises, we don’t! Talk about whatever topics you find interesting and learn the things you really need.
Teacher AI corrects your mistakes and explains grammar if you want. It gets to know you and remembers how you like to learn.
Bilingual Teachers with Realistic Voices
Do you have a question? Just ask your teacher in English and it will happily respond in English. Our AI teachers speak both English and the language you want to learn.
You can also code-switch. That means that you can start the sentence in your target language and just finish it in English. Your teacher will show you how to form the sentence correctly!
Track your Progress
We count the number of words that you can understand, and the number of different words you’ve used during your conversations.
Watch your score go up as you practice and get that extra bit of motivation to push yourself to the next level!
Why Teacher AI is a Game Changer
Swipe Right
Available 24/7
No anxiety
No need to prepare or look good
Save new words automatically
Tracks progress
Price per 30 min session
Real human connection*
Teacher AI
Less than $1 USD
Traditional tutoring platforms
$7 to $25+ USD
*Of course we recommend you practice your language skills with real people too ;-)
The #1 Alternative to Traditional Language Tutoring According to our students...
All testimonials are 100% authentic. We didn't even ask for them :)
Built by the World’s Most Experienced Language Learners...
“People ask me all the time what the absolute best way to learn a language is, and I am frustrated when I have to tell them to spend a lot of time with an expensive language tutor with limited availability. Teacher AI will change everything.”
- Our co-founder Arieh Smith, aka Xiaoma. With over 10 million followers on social media, he is one of the best-known polyglots in the world.
Also among our co-founders are Olly Richards, founder of one of the Internet’s biggest language learning blogs, hyperpolyglot and tech genius Lucas Bighetti, and language entrepreneur Jan van der Aa, creator of language courses for over ten thousand students.
Between them they speak or have studied almost 50 languages!
Not for Beginners, Great for Intermediate Learners!
Teacher AI does:
- NOT currently come with structured lessons and is - NOT suitable for most beginners.
Instead, you just talk about your favorite topics in English and your target language, and our Teachers will try to keep the conversations interesting.
And in the meantime, you’ll see your vocabulary count go steadily up!
If you feel like you’ve been studying a language for a while but a lack of speaking practice is holding you back, then Teacher AI is perfect for you!
Languages And Counting!
If you sign up today we'll give you instant access to 30 languages including:
You've learned a language, Now it's time to speak!
Pricing may vary depending on your region's taxes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our annual package now comes with a 3-day free trial! When you sign up, we'll ask for your credit card details, but if you cancel within the trial period, you won’t be charged. It helps us connect with users who are genuinely interested in what we've got to offer. We’re so confident that people will like the product that we’re willing to offer free access to anyone who wants to try, because we know lots of you will stick around after the trial ends! But please feel free to cancel during the trial if you don’t 100% enjoy it – no hard feelings, okay? The monthly and six-month plan don't come with a free trial yet.
Yes, you can find it in the App Store and Google Play. We recommend you to sign up via the website. After sign up, we'll mail you the link to download the app.
Teacher AI is built on top of ChatGPT. It has been specifically designed for language learners and offers many features that ChatGPT doesn't have. It's far more user-friendly and provides a better learning experience for language learners. A few examples: You can click on words you don't know to see their translation and hear the audio. It saves those words so you can review them later. You can even export them in a CSV file. You can practice with a clone of your favorite language teacher on YouTube It tracks your progress and counts the number of words you know in each language. It remembers your preferred teacher settings for each language. All teachers have voices that you can slow down. All teachers have bilingual voices. It always acts like a great teacher. And we have many more features in the pipeline!
Unfortunately, we don’t do discounts. Running AI models, high-quality voice software and servers is extremely expensive. If the costs to run our service go down in the future, then we might be able to lower our prices too. But for now, we can't make any promises about discounts.
Currently, we don't have a voucher or gift system in place. The best way to gift someone an account is to create a new account his/her address and make the payment. After the payment has been made you can remove your credit card details in 'subscription management' under 'settings'.
Yes! Just mail support at hi[@]yourteacher.ai - We’ll check your account and let you know how much it would cost to upgrade. After your approval, we’ll upgrade you straight away!
Unfortunately, we currently don't offer the option to split the payment for an annual plan. You can always pay monthly, but it's more expensive.
Sure, you can share your account with someone else, but remember: - The word counters will be mixed up because you're both using it. - The 'new words' feature will show words that are new to both you and the other person. - You'll need to switch the teacher settings each time you use it, but it's pretty simple to do. Sharing an account is doable, the learning experience might not be perfect since it's set up for one person at a time.
Yes, when you sign up you’ll get instant access to all available languages. We're adding new languages all the time.
Maybe. We’re adding new languages all the time. In principle, we can add all languages as long as our LLM and text-to-speech software support the language. We'll also add multiple Arabic dialects, and more variations of Spanish.
We do offer an affiliate program, but it’s only for schools or those who have a significant online following. Fill our the form below to learn more.